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PancakeSwap has launched PancakeSwapX, a tool intended to simplify cryptocurrency trading by removing the need for users to pay transaction fees on the Ethereum and Arbitrum networks. PancakeSwap aims to make decentralized finance (DeFi) more accessible to the mainstream, with PancakeSwapX managing gas fees for users. The tool also ensures users are not charged transaction fees for failed or cancelled orders.
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Hey there, PancakeSwap is out with a new tool to make trading crypto a lot easier for you. Named PancakeSwapX, it lets you move money around without any fees and you don’t need to mess with complex stuff like gas fees in the Ethereum and Arbitrum networks.
The head of PancakeSwap, Chef Kids, is excited because this could make things much smoother for anyone using decentralized finance (DeFi). He revealed, “PancakeSwapX allows traders to focus purely on their trades without the need to juggle multiple native gas tokens or figuring out gas fees. It also draws from many sources, doing away with the need to shift between various platforms to get the best deal.”
Normally, first-time DeFi users would need to set up an Ethereum address and buy Ether to pay for transactions before they can get started with trading. This often sends newbies running to easier centralized exchanges. PancakeSwap aims to change that.
Making DeFi easy to use is crucial for getting more people onboard. Chef Kids explained, “PancakeSwapX makes trading a breeze, allowing a wider audience to dip their feet in DeFi. It’s all about ensuring DeFi is accessible to everyone, priming it for broader mainstream adoption.”
As for PancakeSwap itself, it’s the fourth highest decentralized exchange in the world. It has seen over $258 million in trades across more than 387 digital assets.
However, Chef Kids noted that making DeFi less complicated is the main barrier to mass adoption of crypto. With PancakeSwapX, they hope to address this by managing gas fees for users, which is something that centralized exchanges already do off-chain.
Failed or cancelled orders on PancakeSwapX will also be off-chain, so you won’t be charged transaction fees for them. The overall aim is to make DeFi just as easy to use as traditional finance but with all the benefits of blockchain technology.
Source: Cointelegraph